
¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê news

Art Department news – 31 stories

  • Students' Ramadan Artworks Display at Pacific Epping

    14 March 2024

    Our Primary students are diving into the spirit of Ramadan with a collaborative art project that beautifully captures the essence of this sacred month. Students have created moons for display at the Pacific Epping shopping centre from 7 March to 10 April 2024. From crescent paintings to intricate colouring, our talented students have been… Read more

    Students' Ramadan Artworks Display at Pacific Epping
  • Year 6 Art: Pablo Picasso and Cubism

    9 February 2023

    Our Year 6 students have been learning about Pablo Picasso as one of the most famous and important artists of the modern era and the art form he became known for – cubism. Cubism is a style of art that originated in Paris around 1907 and is most closely associated with the art of Pablo Picasso. It is characterised by the use of angular… Read more

    Year 6 Art: Pablo Picasso and Cubism
  • Year 8 and 9 experience The LUME exhibition

    11 August 2022

    THE LUME Melbourne Vincent van Gogh exhibition was experienced by our Year 8 and 9 students this week, organised and accompanied by our Art Department. THE LUME is an epic adventure into the Arts. Australia’s first permanent digital gallery transforms the world’s finest art into fully immersive sensory encounters. This experience was a… Read more

    Year 8 and 9 experience The LUME exhibition
  • Reconciliation Week: Hifz students' dot paintings

    28 May 2021

    Reconciliation Week is currently running from 27 May – 3 June, even during lockdown. Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and… Read more

    Reconciliation Week: Hifz students' dot paintings
  • Australian Native Plant Drawings

    4 November 2020

    We are proud of our Year 5/6 student achievements in their Art classes. The students have produced skilled drawings of our beautiful Australian native plants under the guidance of Ms Stamatia. More images can be found on our Web Gallery. Click here to view the… Read more

    Australian Native Plant Drawings
  • Passionate about Art: Ameen’s Holiday Art Work

    15 October 2020

    It is our pleasure to showcase the incredible art work by Ameen Sayed Year 7B1, one of our very talented Secondary students. Although we had finished our Art lessons with Ameen’s class in Semester 1, l am really pleased to see that his enthusiasm with art motivates Ameen to continue drawing and painting. His car drawings demonstrate that… Read more

    Passionate about Art: Ameen’s Holiday Art Work
  • Students Producing Beautiful Art from Home

    25 August 2020

    We would like to share with you how enthusiastic our Primary and Secondary students are about their art in their online classes which turned out to be a huge success with many students. Even from home, students keep producing beautiful and very detailed art works in their classes with Ms Stamatia. Our Year 9 students looked at artworks by… Read more

    Students Producing Beautiful Art from Home
  • Tenth Anniversary Mosaic Project

    6 December 2019

    Our 2019 ten year anniversary mosaic which Ms Rahat and Mr Fazeel started during last week’s Art & Technology Exhibition, has gained a huge response. Everyone has come to place their tile pieces on our mosaic inside the TEAMS building, which commemorates our College’s 10 year anniversary: Parents, teachers, students, office staff and… Read more

    Tenth Anniversary Mosaic Project
  • Art & Technology Exhibition 2019 – A Huge Success

    6 December 2019

    The 2019 edition of the Art & Technology Exhibition was a huge success. Alhamdulillah. It is great to see the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê community coming together to celebrate the students’ learning and achievement in Art & Technology. Once again, congratulations to all 23 award winners for demonstrating the school values of excellence. This year, being… Read more

    Art & Technology Exhibition 2019 – A Huge Success
  • Parliament House Art Exhibition Launch

    4 November 2019

    This event was hosted by MP Bronwyn Halfpenny and supported by Premier Daniel Andrews to highlight the contributions of young people in the Thomastown and surrounding region to art and culture. Several ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê student artworks were selected to be a part of this exhibition by our Art Department. Nur Naziihah Hafidi from Year 9 was… Read more

    Parliament House Art Exhibition Launch
  • ISV Annual Art Exhibition

    18 September 2019

    Students from ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê participated in the annual art exhibition held by Independent Schools Victoria ISV at The District Docklands Gallery on Tuesday, 3 September 2019. This is the fourth year that we have been chosen to participate in an ISV exhibition. It is excellent to see that our students are receiving public exposure and… Read more

    ISV Annual Art Exhibition
  • Street Art Project Ceremony

    22 March 2019

    The Street Art Project Ceremony was held at the Aurora Adventure Park in Craigieburn on Thursday, 21 March 2019. The Street Art Project was run in collaboration with City of Whittlesea, Lendlease, Edgars Creek SC and ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê. This event was held to showcase the wonderful achievements of our Year 9 Secondary students who… Read more

    Street Art Project Ceremony
  • Art & Tech Exhibition: THANK YOU!

    8 November 2018

    It was great to see the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê community come together to celebrate the students’ learning and achievement in Art & Technology. The carnival-like atmosphere added vibrancy and excitement to the day. On behalf of the Art & Technology Department, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all staff who played a role in contributing… Read more

    Art & Tech Exhibition: THANK YOU!
  • College Students Received Free Tickets to Ilm Arts Festival

    19 September 2018

    Ten of our students together with one parent each received free tickets to the ILM ARTS FESTIVAL. The free tickets were distributed by Ms Ecehan and Ms Fatima. The Ilm Arts Festival will be an event where young, talented Muslims will perform, educate, and inspire. In a world where the Muslim community is marginalised and vilified, you… Read more

    College Students Received Free Tickets to Ilm Arts Festival
  • Public Art Project Launch

    24 July 2018

    ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê launched the Aurora Community Art Project in collaboration with the City of Whittlesea, LendLease and CoDesign Studios this week. The program gives selected talented ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê students from Year 8 the opportunity to design public art to be placed in the Aurora precinct. The launch was attended by local resident artist… Read more

    Public Art Project Launch
  • Art and Technology Exhibition: A Roaring Success

    24 November 2017

    The 2017 edition of the Art Exhibition was a roaring success!. It is great to see the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê community coming together to celebrate the students’ learning and achievement in Art & Technology. The carnival-like atmosphere adds vibrancy and excitement to the day. It is wonderful to see happy and smiling faces throughout the day with… Read more

    Art and Technology Exhibition: A Roaring Success
  • Design Thinking for Learning Project

    9 November 2017

    The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Art and Technology Department are involved in the "Design Thinking for Learning Project" with Independent Schools Victoria ISV. On 2 November 2017, staff attended a group professional development workshop collaborating with other Independent schools in Victoria and a global consultancy firm called "No Tosh". "No Tosh" helps… Read more

    Design Thinking for Learning Project
  • Art Exhibition to be featured in "The Leader"

    9 November 2017

    ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê was visited by photographers from our local "Whittlesea Leader" newspaper yesterday to write about and feature our upcoming Art & Technology Exhibition. Please keep an eye out for the next "Leader" issue. We look forward to seeing you all at our annual Arts and Technology Exhibition on next week’s Friday, 17 November… Read more

    Art Exhibition to be featured in
  • Junior School: Art Space Makeover

    17 August 2017

    The art space in our Junior School building has recently received a creative makeover. In hope to improve learning in the open art space environment, one of our art teachers has transformed it into a mystical art land. The more colourful art decoration and environment will help to introduce healthy ways to behave in our art space… Read more

    Junior School: Art Space Makeover
  • Students Art Works on Exhibition

    28 July 2017

    ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê participated in Independent Schools Victoria’s inaugural "Student Art Exhibition" at the Shell House Gallery in Melbourne’s CBD on 26 July 2017. Our College has the privilege of exhibiting 14 art works from students across the Junior and Senior Schools. It is also a very first for our students to showcase their art works in a… Read more

    Students Art Works on Exhibition
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